Google Discover is not just considered as a new feature but stands out as the modern era in SEO. Google Discover is making quite a buzz after it was made known to the world in 2018, and it was created through a revamping effort for its predecessors. Google Discover is known to be a melting pot of interests, provides proper access to topics without looking for them, and it is well-known for being user-centric.
Things you must know about Google Discover.

Source: Backlinko
Google Discover has enhanced the search experience for users across the world, and it has a total of 800-million users. Since about 3.5-billion searches are made every day on Google, so with the help of this new feature, it will become much easier for the users to look for products or information.
Through a recent study, about 99% of Discover clicks came from new sites, and the remaining 1% of clicks came from non-news websites. With the help of Google Discover, it has become easier for users to search the internet easily.
Important areas to focus on when making Google Discover content.

Source: Backlinko
The Google Discover feed has the power to appear within the organic search results and also as individual content results, which is not known as exciting finds. Apart from that, when you want to Optimize Content for Google Discover, then there are some of the things which you need to consider, and they are mentioned below.
Create engaging content and is of high quality
The first thing you need to do for your Google Discover content optimization is to create content that is of the highest quality. It is because they will get addressed towards the needs of your readers, which is vital if you want your content to surface on Discover.
Apart from quality, it would help if you also keep your focus on the engagement of the content. Discover relies solely on the content you have engaged with the most, and building relationships with the users becomes the most important thing than ever.
Take the help of videos and images to rank in Google Discover
Google had already pointed out in one of its announcements that users will see fresh visual and image contents on Google Discover. In other words, if you want your content to surface on Discover, then you need to include high-quality videos and pictures on your content.
Now, when you are thinking, “How do you optimize for Google Drive?” Then this probably is the way that you need to keep in mind.
Create contents that are both evergreen and new:
To be pulled into the Discover’s users feed, the best way to do so is to make a mix of contents. That is because Google has already declared that it will keep its focus on contents that are evergreen, fresh, and newsworthy.
So, it would help if you made sure that the editorial calendar has room for both of them, and also you are updating all the evergreen pieces that exist.

Source: Socialbakers
Make trustworthy content:
Under Google, if you must make content that stands out to be much more trustworthy, it will appear on Google Discover. To build trustworthiness through your content, it will come down to your website authority. Your website authority will go back to your content’s quality.
It will never harm you to carry a link strategy, which will allow you to receive backlinks from well-known and trusted websites.
Be sure to avoid over-optimization:
When there is no use of structured data or unique tags, then the over-optimization should be avoided. If your content can cater to all the user search queries, then it will be suitable for Google Discover.
Make sure to train your efforts when enhancing your content and do not use plenty of inserts, which you are used to doing in the traditional optimization.
Make the content mobile-friendly:
Since the entire Google Discover feed is said to be viewed through a mobile, so you must make both your website and content to be mobile-friendly. If you do not do so, then it will not be seen in the Discover feed.
But if you do not know if your website gets optimized for the mobile platform, later try using Google’s mobile-friendly test by plugging in your URL and receive a complete report.
Wrapping It Up!
Google Discover will provide you with content if you interact with it properly. By following the steps mentioned in this document, you will be able to create content that will allow your content to appear on the Google Discover feed.